Our Agents

We are committed to offering travel services of the highest quality. Our experience and commitment to customer satisfaction has earned us a solid reputation in the travel industry.  If you have any complaints - please do not hesitate to contact us. If you are not receiving a follow-up, we would sincerely like to know.

our agents

our agents
jenny headshot

Jennifer Reynolds


"I became a travel agent in May 2019.  Prior to becoming a travel agent I was the one responsible for organizing and putting together vacations for my family and friends.  Seeing how much fun everyone had on our vacations I thought “why can’t I do this for others?”  I truly believe that traveling is one of the best ways to educate ourselves.  While traveling you can immerse yourself in the history and culture of others that cannot be done while at home. Traveling has brought me so much joy and I only want to bring that joy to others."

  • 512-563-0103

Malory Smith

Travel Agent

"Being a travel agent means I get to help others create memories, fulfill bucket list items, and bring happiness to other travelers. I love experiencing different cultures, landscape, food & music that other states and countries have to offer. I enjoy encouraging others to step out of their comfort zone and experience all the world has to offer. Learning from the experiences they have in return is a joy in itself. Traveling is exhilarating if you have the right person helping you along the way and I’m blessed to be a part of team that helps so many make their travel dreams come true."

  • 361-772-2281

Tona Lumley

Travel Agent

"I am Texas native, raised in a small rural town in East Texas. I am a devoted wife and grandmother and value time spent with family. I believe being raised outside the city gave me an appreciation of nature and life. I've always loved to travel and after marrying my soul mate a few years ago, we have been blessed to do just that. Traveling for work or leisure, we try to take every opportunity to do what we love most. Getting to explore new and familiar places in the U.S. or touring other countries has been an amazing adventure. I am looking forward to helping others fulfill their traveling dreams."

  • 903-330-5233